Thank you for your patience and we are sorry for the delay in responding to your inquiry. We have been receiving a high volume of requests and have experienced an unexpected technical issue that has since been resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Your app needs to follow some additional requirements to continue with the verification process:
Privacy Policy Requirements
Under the Google API Service: User Data Policy, your privacy policy and in-product privacy notifications must clearly describe the way your application accesses, uses, stores, or shares Google user data. The way you use Google user data should be limited to what you've described in your privacy policy.
Your privacy policy must also be:
Note: The privacy policy URL linked to the OAuth consent screen on the Google Cloud Console must match the privacy policy link on your app homepage.
Limited Use Requirements
Any use of Google user data obtained from Restricted and Sensitive Scopes must comply with the Limited Use Policy, and we suggest you disclose this to your users as described below.
Next Steps
We recommend adding a disclosure that meets the following requirements:
Example disclosure: “(App’s) use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.”
Note that apps distributed on Google Play are also subject to the Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement.
Please reply directly to this email with the URL to the disclosure once it is added to your app or with confirmation that you will not be adding a disclosure.
Scopes Justification
You must provide a detailed justification for your requested scope(s), and an explanation for why a narrower scope would not be enough.
For example: https://mail.google.com/ to read and compose from Gmail. I will need read access in order to____ so that my app can ____. I will need compose access in order to ____ so that my app can ____ . A narrower scope would not be sufficient because ____.
Read these pages for more information about OAuth Scopes:
Sign in branding
The Google sign-in button on your app’s homepage URL is not compliant with the Google sign-in branding guidelines. (please see the attached screenshot)
Validation of App Functionality
In order that we can better understand your app’s functionality and your compliance with the Google API Services User Data Policy please reply back to this email with screenshot(s) or an unlisted YouTube or Google Drive file link to a video of the following:
Thank you for your patience. Please let us know if you have any questions. You can also find more information in the OAuth API Verification FAQ.